Thursday, February 26, 2009

News. Lots of News.

'Why I'm Running for Mayor' by Lee Leffingwell - BOR - Leff speaks out about his candidacy, his platform, and why you shouldn't believe anyone who says bad things about him.

'Mayoral hopefuls predict budget cuts, but give only clues as to what' - Austin American-Statesman - The "big three" candidates discuss which is the best way to pinch your pocketbook.

News 8 Austin hosted a candidate forum Monday. Check out the recap and videos here. Don't strain yourself trying to find Carole Strayhorn; she was too busy to attend.

'Strayhorn: Cut council salaries, staff' - Austin American-Statesman - Not one to be beaten to the punch by more than a day, Carole joins Brewster and Leff with budget cutting ideas.

'Rep. Donna Howard Endorses Lee Leffingwell' - BOR - Rep. Howard joins Eddie Rodriguez on the Leffingwell bandwagon. Carole's campaign responds to the news in the Daily Texan: “The endorsement process is still going on for some groups, but the biggest endorsement will be the people of Austin.” You know, Carole, denial is not just a river in Egypt.

'McCracken and Leffingwell debate, without Strayhorn' - Carole misses another candidate forum. Is she busy babysitting the grandkids?


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