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[something clever]
Monday, December 08, 2003

What We're...
- listening to: Obama's acceptance speech
- reading:
- watching: Copius amounts of football
- playing: NCAA '09
- cheering: Texas being #1
- booing: Sarah Palin
- visiting: Cheap Gas
- wishing we'd invented: Air
- predicting: Republicans get slaughtered in '08
- endorsing:
- gooning over: Daniella Alonso
- quoting: "Why would you ask Moby how to end suffering? Isn't the first answer no more techno?" Stephen Colbert
- bookmarking:
Funny Papers
Too Much Coffee Man
Mark Fiore
This Modern World
Ted Rall
Tom Toles
Ben Sargent
Pat Oliphant
Betty Bowers is a Better Christian than You
Pearls Before Swine
Daryl Cagle
Jeff Danziger
Toothpaste for Dinner
Bush: Worst Disaster to hit US
Bush Loyalty Quiz
Funny Videos
The View, on the shape of Earth
People's Court - Mustache
Jim Rome, on Ms. Teen SC
Daily Show clips (use Explorer)
Red vs Blue
An oldie: Bush on sovereign-entities
Bush, Busey, Ferrets."
Jib Jab
George is Drunk again
Where W gets his skills
Letterman to O'Reilly: 60% of what you say is crap. Conan to Colbert: I shot you very close to the heart.
Bush is a lame F@#$.
Ferrell Bush Ad
Ferrell Bush on Global Warming
Best of Bush Speeches
Bush bumbles.
The Speechalist
Bush the Roaster
Bush and Blair: Endless Love
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